Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research - கல்பாக்கம் வேலைவாய்ப்பு அறிவிப்பு - EDUNTZ


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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research - கல்பாக்கம் வேலைவாய்ப்பு அறிவிப்பு

General Conditions : 

(a) Selection for the above post is purely on temporary basis. The maximum period of appointment will be six months. However, such locum appointment shall not exceed 89 days at a time. 

(b) Selected candidates will be provided Hostel Accommodation on their taking up of the appointment, on payment basis if required. They will be entitled for House Rent Allowance(HRA) is own arrangement for accommodation is made.

 (c) Interested candidates may please forward Application in the prescribed form (word format) along with solf attested Xerox copies of date of birth, educational qualification in a single pdf file through email: latest by 14.10.2021 at 2400 hrs. 

(d) Please enclose all the certificates and mark sheets (year-wise) of educational qualification in a single PDF file. 

(e) Details of screened-in candidates shall be displayed in GSO website and shall be intimated through their respective email IDs. 

(f) Incomplete applications and applications without relevant proof of experience'qualification, year wise mark sheet etc. shall be summarily rejected. (g) If the number of applications received are more, GSO reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates based on the percentage of marks obtained and their clinical experience. Application in the prescribed proforma may be downloaded from website Administrative Officer-101  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 

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