A. Fill in the blanks

 1. Meena’s village was hit by waves on a _________.

 Answer: Sunday morning 

2. Meena was transferred to a __________. 

Answer: Rehabilitation centre 

3. The official’s family visited the rehabilitation center for _________ years.

 Answer: Five 

4. The official and his wife liked __________.

 Answer: Meena 

5. Meena studied in _________ standard. 

Answer: twelfth

 B. Read the statements and write True or False 

 1. Meena’s father was a fisher man.

 Answer: True

 2. People ran off when the seawater receded. 

Answer: False 

3. Three waves hit the village.

 Answer: False 

 4. The official visited the rehabilitation center daily.

 Answer: False 

 5. The official was transferred to another district.

 Answer: True

C. Answer the questions. 

 1. Where is Keeraikuppam located?

 Answer: Keeraikuppam was located near Nagapattinam. 

 2. What were the people excited about?

 Answer: The people were excited about the wave raising high in the sea. 

 3. Which disaster had hit the village?

 Answer: Two powerful waves hit the village. 

4. Who showed love and care to the children ? 

Answer: The incharge of the rehabilitation centre and his wife showed love and care to the children.

 5. Why did Meena call the official ‘Appa’? Do you think we need to be a family to care for others?

 Answer: Meena had no parents. They were washed away by the waves. So, she called the official as

 ‘Appa’. No, we don’t need to be a family to care for others.

Additional questions

I. Answer the following questions 

 1. On which day did the powerful wave hit the village?

 Answer: The powerful wave hit the village on a Sunday morning.

2. Where did the children play in the village?

 Answer: The children played under the numerous coconut trees in the village. 

 3. What was the duty of the bell caretaker?

 Answer: The duty of the bell caretaker was to ring the bell at a particular time.

 4. Who felt that there was something wrong? 

Answer: Meena’s mother felt that there was something wrong.

 5. Was Meena separated from her mother? 

Answer: Yes, Meena was separated from her mother. 

 6. What happened to Meena’s mother?

 Answer: Meena’s mother was washed away by the wave.

 7. What happened to Meena? 

Answer: Meena whirled through the water, struggling to breathe. The wave banged her to the trunk of a coconut tree. She wrestled the wave and hugged the tree. Soon she fainted. 

 8. Where was Meena, when she woke up?

 Answer: Meena was in the hospital, when she woke up. 

9. How many children were housed by the rehabilitation centre? 

Answer: The rehabilitation centre housed nearly 99 boys and girls. 

10. Who was very kind to the children at the centre? 

Answer: A kind-hearted official of the centre was always very kind to the children.

II. Fill in the blanks. 

 1. She stared at him ______ for a few seconds. 

Answer: blankly 

2. Meena dashed towards him calling ______

 Answer: “Appa”

 3. She caught Meena by her hand and started running towards their ______. 

Answer: home

III. Write True or False . 

1. The teacher was singing a song.

 Answer: False 

 2. Meena heard a familiar voice..

 Answer: True

 3. After five years, the official was transferred. 

Answer: False 


Let us build


PAGE NO 76: 

Rewrite the sentences with punctuation marks.

1. where is my cat 

Answer: Where is my cat?

 2. jain ate an apple 

Answer: Jain ate an apple.

 3. the book is on the table 

Answer: The book is on the table. 

4. ravi wants book pen and pencil 

Answer: Ravi wants book, pen and pencil. 

5. do you play football 

Answer: Do you play football?

 6. my favourite colour is blue

 Answer: My favourite colour is blue. 

7. Teema is a good singer

 Answer: Leema is a good singer. 

 8. do you like pet animals

 Answer: Do you like pet animals? 

 9. he likes shirt pants and shorts 

Answer: He likes shirt, pants and shorts. 

10. how are you 

Answer: How are you? 



PAGE NO : 78

A. Fill in the blanks. Question

 1. Parents never let us get _________. 

Answer: Spoilt 

 2. Parents help us to overcome our __________.

 Answer: Problems 

 3. _________ is next to parents in care. 

Answer: Sister 

 4. ___________ are the real wealth. 

Answer: Relationships 

5. ___________ always stays to the last in our needs. 

Answer: A good friend 

Answer the following questions. 

1. Who brought us to this world?

 Answer: Parents brought us to this world. 

 2. Which is as important as our health?

 Answer: Relationships are as important as our health. 

 3. How does a friend support us? 

Answer: A good friend is with us in all our deeds and stays last for all our needs. 

 4. Why relationships are more important than wealth?

 Answer: Relationships are real wealth. So they are more important than our wealth. 

C. Match the rhyming words. 

 1. Share – dare

 Answer: Share – bear

 2. Bread – rest 

Answer: Bread – ahead 

 3. Care – needs 

Answer: Care – dare

 4. Deeds – ahead

 Answer: Deeds – needs

 5. Zest – bear

 Answer: Zest – rest 

Additional Questions and Answers

 I. Answer the following questions 

1. Who will never let us get spoilt?

 Answer: Our parents will never let us.get spoilt. 

 2. What do our parents do? 

Answer: Our parents earn our daily bread and wish to see us to grow successfully.

 3. How should we nurture relationships? 

Answer: We should nurture relationships like our health.

II. Fill in the blanks. 

 1. Brother always fights for his __________

 Answer: Share 

2. If someone hurts us, our brother can’t ___________ 

Answer: Bear

3. Our parents wish to see us __________ ahead.

 Answer: Shoot






PAGE : 84

A. Name the character or speaker.

1. “Do you have a fever?” ____________

 Answer: Teacher 

 2. “Did someone scold you?” ___________ 

Answer: One of Nandhini’s friends 

3. “Why does Nandhini look so sad?” ____________ 

Answer: Nandhini’s friends Question 

4. “Are you alright?” ____________ 

Answer: Teacher 

B. Answer the following questions.

1. Who were the friends referred in the story? 

Answer: Nandhini and Pandi were the friends, referred in the story. 

 2. How did they go to school? 
Answer: They both go to school by walk. They played and chatted on their way.

3. Why was the teacher annoyed? 

Answer: The teacher was annoyed because Nandhini did not answer her, when she called her name. 

 4. Did Nandhini have fever?

 Answer: No, Nandhini did not have fever. 

 5. What was the reason behind Nandhini’s dullness?

 Answer: Two of Nandhini’s front teeth were missing. That was the reason behind Nandhini’s dullness.

 C. Number the actions of Pandi and Nandhini in order. 

PAGE NO : 85
 Answer the following questions 

 1. What is the advertisement about?

 Answer: It is about a branded new LED TV.

2. What is free, for LED TV? 

Answer: A camera is free for the LED TV. 

 3. What is the size of the screen of the TV? 

Answer: The size of the screen of the TV is 43 inches.

 4. When does the offer end? 

Answer: The offer ends by 30th August. 

 5. What is the name of the dealer?

 Answer: The name of the dealer is “Bright Vision Televisions” 

I. Answer the following. 

 1. Where did Nandhini and Pandi live? 

Answer: Nandhini and Pandi lived in the same street.

2. What do they sometimes do?

 Answer: Sometimes they would race home from school.

 3. What did they do together?

 Answer: They always took part in school activities and helped each other in their lessons. 

 4. What happened one day, when Pandi came to Nandhini’s home?

 Answer: When Pandi came to Nandhini’s home, she looked upset and sad. 

 5. What did the teacher do, on entering the class?

 Answer: On entering the class, the teacher started calling out the names for attendance.

 6. Did Nandhini answer the teacher, when she called out her name? 

Answer: No, she did not answer her teacher, when she called out her name. 

 7. What did the teacher ask her? 

Answer: The teacher touched her forehead and asked her if she was feeling alright.

8. What did her friends do? 

Answer: Her friends pestered her with a hundred questions about everything. 

 9. What did Pandi do to make her smile?

 Answer: Pandi took out something from his bag and ran to show it to her. He tumbled and it slipped from his hands. Nandhini got scared, as it was flying straight to her. She caught it and it was a rubber frog. She burst out laughing. 
PAGE : 86
  Let us write Write a narrative paragraph 

Using the given information and add more information on your own. 

 Answer: Kamarajar was born on 15th July 1903 in Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu. He was born to Kumaraswami Nadar and Sivakami ammal. His name was originally Kamatchi. Later it changed to Kamarajar. He was known as the “King maker” and “Karma Veerar”. He was the 3rd Chief Minister of Tamilnadu from 1954 to 1963. His achievements were Mid-day meal scheme and reforms in education. He was given the “Bharat Ratna Award” in 1976 after he died on 2nd October 1975. 
PAGE : 87
 I can do 

 A.Fill in the blanks. 

1. Meena went to ___________ her father.

 Answer: The sea shore to see off 

 2. Meena studies in _________ standard.

 Answer: Twelfth 

 3. Meena met the official after __________ 

Answer: Not given in the text

B. Punctuate the following sentences. 

 1. i play kabadi daily, 

Answer: I play Kabadi daily. 

2. kaviya bought onion tomato and cucumber 

Answer: Kaviya bought onion, tomato and cucumber. 

3. who took care of meena 

Answer: Who took care of Meena?
C. Match the rhyming word. 

 1. deeds – wealth Answer: deeds – needs 

 2. health – care Answer: health – wealth 

 3. bare – needs Answer: bare – care 


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