Chapter 2

 A Lesson To Save

A. Say whether the statements are True or False.

 1. Amir left the tap opened earlier.

 Answer: True 

  2. Amir switched off the fan when he walked out. 

Answer: False

 3. Moles trap worms and store them. 

Answer: True 

4. Leafcutter ants grow fungus.

 Answer: True

5. Amir realised his mistakes. 

Answer: True 

 B. Choose the correct option.

 1. Moles dig ___________ to catch worms. 

(a) Worm trap (b) Tunnel (c) Burrows 

Answer: (a) Worm trap 

 2. Leafcutter ants can carry leaves that weigh ___________ times of their body weight.

 (a) Two (b) Twenty (c) Thirty

 Answer: (b) Twenty Question 

3. Moles bite and __________ the worms. 

(a) Eat (b) Store (c) Paralyze 

Answer: (c) Paralyze 

 4. Leafcutter ants drink _________. (a) leaf sap (b) Honey (c) Dew 

Answer: (a) leaf sap 

5. Humans give importance to save __________ (a) Food (b) Money (c) Water

 Answer: (b) Money 

 C. Answer the questions Question 

1. Why should we close the tap after using it? 

Answer: We should close the tap after using it to save water for the future generations. 

  2. Where do the moles save their food? 

Answer: The moles save their food in the tunnel. 

 3. Why do the leafcutter ants grow the fungus?

 Answer: The leafcutter ants grow the fungus to feed their babies. 

 4. List the things that humans should save. 

Answer: Human should save water, fuel, food, electricity, and forests. 

 5. What are things that we can save? Why should we save them? 

Answer: We can save water, food, electricity, food, money and fuel because our future generations can use them.

 Additional Questions and Answers

 I. Answer the following questions Question

 1. What did Amir see on the way to the playground?

 Answer: Amir saw dirt thrown out of a pit on the ground. 

 2. What did the mole tell him?

Answer: The mole told him that it was digging a burrow to catch the earthworms and save them for the winter. 

3. What was the ant carrying? 

Answer: The ant was carrying a big leaf. 

 4. What do the leafcutter ants drink? 

Answer: They drink the leaf sap.

 5. Did Amir change, after the interaction with the mole and the leafcutter ants? 

Answer: Yes, Amir changed his ways and always cared and saved the resources Pin around him.

 II. State True or False. 

1. We usually give importance to save money.

 Answer: True 

2. Amir saw the ant first. 

Answer: False 

 3. The mole eats all the earthworms. 

Answer: False

 4. Near the mole’s burrow, Amir saw a leaf moving.

 Answer: True

  5. The ant was collecting leaves for his colony. 

Answer: True 

 A. Match the following and write the new word. 

1. Pre – continue 

Answer: Preview

 2. Dis – familiar

 Answer: Discontinue 

 3. Un – open 

Answer: unfamiliar 

4. re – view

 Answer: Reopen

  B. Tick in the correct prefix and write the new word.


Answer: Un happy 


Answer: Preread 


Answer: Dishonest 


Answer: Remix 

 C. Add a prefix to each word so it matches the new definitions. prefix un, re, dis, pre word lucky, check, view, approve 

 1. Make sure the things are correct _________ 

Answer: Recheck

 2. A person who got no luck __________ 

Answer: Unlucky 

 3. Do not approve 

Answer: Disapprove

 4. A chance to view before ___________ 

Answer: Preview 

Poem 2 

What Do Humans Save?

A. Match with their storing places. 

B. Fill in the blanks with rhyming words. 

1. Anthill __________ 

Answer: Winter’s chill 

2. Tunnels __________ 

Answer: Channels 

 3. Larder __________ 

Answer: Starter 

  4. Tree __________

 Answer: Free

  C. Answer the following questions. 

1. Where do ants pile their food? 

Answer: Ants pile their food in the anthill.

 2. Where do the crocodiles save? 

Answer: The crocodiles save food in their pantries. 

 3. What do you save? Why it is needed? 

Answer: We have to save everything that nature gave. It is needed for our future generations. 

  Answer the following

 Additional Questions and Answers. 

 1. Where do squirrels reserve food?

 Answer: Squirrels reserve food in a larder. 

2. What do they store?

 Answer: They store a seven course meal.

 3. When do the leopards eat their prey? 

Answer: Leopards eat their prey when they are free. 

 4. Where do the farmers store their harvest?

 Answer: The farmers store their harvest in a granary. 

 5. Why do ants pile food in the anthill? 

Answer: Ants pile food in the anthill to eat it during the winter. 

A. Write was or were to complete the sentence. 

 1. I ________ the leader of my class.

 Answer: Was 

  2. We ________ in New York, last week. 

Answer: Were 

  3. You _________ a baby. 

Answer: Were

 4. Raju ________ my junior in school. 

Answer: Was 

 5. Kavi _________ kind to me. 

Answer: Was 

 6. The bus _________ brand new. 

Answer: Was 

 7. They _________ friends. 

Answer: Were

  B. Write the past form of the verbs. 


read – _________ 

Answer: read 


sing – ___________ 

Answer: Sang 


sleep – __________ Answer: Slept 

  C. Complete the sentence with the simple past form of the given verbs. 

 1. It _________ (snow) last winter.

 Answer: Snowed

  2. The rain ___________ (continue) all day.

 Answer: Continued 

  3. I __________ (lose) my balance.

 Answer: Lost

  4. We __________ (stand) for hours. 

Answer: Stood 

 5. Tom __________ (come) home from school. 

Answer: Came

 D. Circle the sentences that is in simple future tense.

 1. They washed the van. Kamal will meet you at the shop. My dad helps me read. It will rain tomorrow. He ate many mangoes. 


 E. Fill in the blanks with simple future tense of the verb. 

  1. Sakthi _________ (earn) a lot of money. 

Answer: Will earn 

  2. You _________ (travel) around the world. 

Answer: Will travel 

  3. Everybody ___________ (adore) you.

 Answer: Will adore 

 4. Many people _________ (serve) you. 

Answer: Will serve 

5. They ________ (anticipate) your wishes. 

Answer: Will anticipate

 1. Learn how they speak in the bank and practice as if you were in that situation. 


Bank Manager : How can I help you? 
Customer : I am here to deposit money. 
Bank Manager : Ok, let me fill the form for you. 
Customer : Thanks sir. But I can fill it myself.
 Bank Manager : Good. Here is your pay-in-slip. 
Customer : Which counter should I go to? 
Bank Manager : Let me check your pay-in-slip. 
Customer : Here it is, sir. 
Bank Manager : Good, you have filled it correctly. You can deposit your money in counter 3.
 Customer : Thank you sir.



Chapter 2 

Save Wisely

A. Fill in the blanks. 

 1. Every year the children visit their _____________.

 Answer: Grandparents

 2. At the end of the festival , Kamali and Senthil saved ___________.

 Answer: Some amount 

3. Savings is done after fulfilling the ____________ 

Answer: Basic needs 

  4. Senthil bought a ___________ from his savings.

 Answer: Camera

  5. Kamali gave her savings to _____________. 

Answer: Her father 

  B. Answer the following questions. 

1. What did the children buy with money they have? 

Answer: The children bought sweets, toys, chocolates or packed food items. 

 2. What did the grandfather announce? 

Answer: He announced that the children should save the money they get over the course of a year and spend it purposefully. 

 3. What happened to Jayan? 

Answer: Jayan got sick due to food poisoning. 

  4. What did Kamali get as gift? 

Answer: Kamali got a brand new fulte as gift. 

 5. What will you do with your savings?

 Answer: I will buy a gift for my mother and father.

  Answer the following Additional Questions and Answers. 

 1. Why did the children visit their native village?

 Answer: They visited their native village for the car festival that lasted for three days. 

 2. What did the family members and relatives would give their children?

 Answer: They would give them money to buy sweets and toys.

  3. What would the children do with that money? 

Answer: They would spend all the money and never saved the money at all. 

  4. Were the children excited by the announcement? 

Answer: No, the children were not excited by the announcement. 

  5. What did Jayan and Kauvery decide to do? 

Answer: Jayan and Kauvery decided to enjoy the festival to the fullest. They bought every single type of food available across the shops.

  6. Who were the eldest of the kids?

 Answer: The eldest of the kids were Kamali and Senthil. 

  7. How did Senthil and Kamali save every rupee they got? 

Answer: They controlled their desires and saved every rupee they got. 

 8. How much did they manage to save by the end of the festival? 

Answer: They managed to save around three hundred rupees by the end of the festival. 

  9. What did Senthil do? 

Answer: He opened savings account in the nearest post office.

  10. What was Senthil’s dream?

 Answer: Senthil’s dream was to buy a camera. 

 Let us read aloud 

 Read the passage three times on your own. Colour a Piggy bank each time you read. Piggy bank is a coin box used by children. The real use of a piggy bank is to store coins. Piggy banks look like pigs. They come in many shapes and sizes. In Tamil, they are known as Hundial. It is a red, mud pot. We can drop the coins into the pot. Once the pot is full, we must break the pot and use they coins. Start saving with your hundial today!Hundial is a ____________ pot. 


Hundial is a __________pot.

Answer: Red, mud 


Mostly piggy banks looks like ___________ 

Answer: Pigs. 

 3. The main idea of the passage is ___________

 (a) To buy a piggy bank. (b) To save. Answer: (b) To save 

  Let us write 

 This month you have managed to save Rs. 100 from your pocket money. Fill out the challan to deposit it in your Savings Account at the post office. 

  1.Fill up the withdrawal form to withdraw Rs.200 from your Savings Account.

I can do A. 

Fill in the blanks. 

1. Moles dig __________ to catch worms.

 Answer: Long and wide tunnel 

 2. Leaf cutter ants drink ___________ 

Answer: Leaf sap 

 3. Kamali gave her savings to ____________.

 Answer: Her father 

  B. Join the word with the correct prefix.

  C. Match the rhyming words. 

 1. Save ___________

 Answer: Gave 

2. Countries __________ 

Answer: Pantries 

3. larder ___________ 

Answer: Starter 

 E. Write the words given in the bracket in correct tenses. 

 1. I __________ (see) him accidently. 

Answer: Saw

  2. We ____________ (move) back to city yesterday. 

 Answer: Moved 

 3. Rani ____________ (meet) Rita tomorrow. 

Answer: Wil meet 

 F. Write the past form of the verbs.

 1.run ____________ 

Answer: Ran 

  2.eat ____________ 

Answer: Ate

3.swim ____________ 

Answer: Swam


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